This is my personal website. It will likely always be a work in progress as I plan to add to it as I learn more and develop myself. This is where I will keep my employment history and projects I work on in my spare time. I have experience in fullstack webapp development using Typescript and React for frontend development and Ruby on Rails for backend development. I have built a simple project using Django and React and a few other small python apps, such as a mortgage repayment calculator and a webscraper to capture the details of the cheapest rentals in my area. I plan to build more projects in the future, in both Rails and NextJS. I am also currently studying and learning about cyber security as it is both a very interesting and compelling field, I am currently looking for a Software Developer role, hopefully still using Ruby on Rails though I am open to NodeJS and NextJS Positions. I am also open to a career swap into the cyber security industry as I believe it is a very interesting and important industry that is crucial for everyone and I would be able to make use of my existing developer skills.
About Me
My name is George Alexander Rhodes, but I go by Alex with family and friends. I was born in Jersey but have lived in the Isle of Man for long time, all of my secondary school years and then my first couple of jobs afterwards as well. The IoM is famous for the TT motorbike race, which I highly recommend watching some PoV videos of! The average speed is around 135 mph! But I will always reccomend Jersey over the IoM. We have proper beaches and whilst winter is wet, IoM is like a permanent Jersey winter. Whilst I was here in Jersey till the age of ten, I went to St George's Preparatory School. Then after moving to the Isle of Man, I went to the secondary school King William's College to do my GCSEs and then the International Baccalaureate instead of A Levels. For the IB, I took English, Maths, Physics, Geography, German, and Economics with a score of 34 points. I have always had an interest in Far East Asian culture and have been lucky enough to go to Japan several times. The first time I was working in a guest house there in exchange for free bedding, the second time was a home stay, and then my year abroad during my Business and Japanese course at Newcastle University, which was unfortunately impacted by the COVID pandemic. Whilst I was unable to pursue any programming courses at my school due to the lack of subjects available, I have had a keen interest in programming, logical thinking, and maximising efficiency. This is likely due to my passion for gaming and technology, always needing to find a way to win or be faster, etc. After finishing my degree, I started self studying coding whilst working for the COVID Department of the Jersey Government, which landed me my first position in under five months. I want to further refine my skills in web app development, but also look more into data analysis and how large data sets can inform business decisions based on trends, analysis, and forming predictive models. For this reason, I have learnt some Python and the use of the packages such as matplotlib, pandas, numpy, etc. I have also looked into and built a simple webapp in Django. Though I think because I started in Ruby on Rails, I have learnt to love it. I think the way it is set up is just better. This along with NextJS are two favourite frameworks for webapp development. I personally think that mobile app development is going to be more useful and more in-demand as society continues to move to more simple/intuitive UIs. The touch interfaces of today are ingrained into children and consoles' controllers look weird and foreign to them. Which makes me feeling horrifyingly old. Another aspect for both inside and outside work that I am learning about is Cyber Security. This is just becoming more important by the day and it's not just the big companies who hold all our data we need to be concerned about. I am just beginning on this journey of learning, and I've already realised how easy it is to trick people with simple tactics. This is not meant to be throwing shade on people, but rather a terrifying realisation of what can be done with minimal effort. I am seriously looking into this subject to both further my own software developer journey and for the potential opportunity to swap into cyber security as it is a very interesting field and in-demand skill set. Outside of work I enjoy reading, going out on the paddleboard, BBQs on the beach when the weather's nice, spending time with my family and friends, and cooking. Whilst I am still learning more about Asian receipes, I am always experimenting with spice combinations and tuning receipes to my tastes. That said, I'm not a baker, as I can't follow the reccomended amounts of anything. It's a handful here, a splodge of that, and a shake of this. That's how you discover what you like. And when it comes to chocolate, it's always double servings.
AWS - Amplify - Restaurant Menu Site
This is a simple project to show the idea of hosting restaurant contact info and menus in storage, then calling the information to the site and loading their page, their food items, and their prices. Then using this to create a dynamic menu to total up the price whilst looking at the full menu and contact info. This a project done using AWS Amplify Gen 2 in Typescript using React. It is not fully connected to a DB currently and runs based on constants in a temp file. If the friend I made this for does want this, I will finish it then. It's currently just an MVP.
Mortgage Calculator
This is a mortgage calculator written in Python that I made for myself to use to calculate and keep track of potential costs of mortgages down the line. You provide the total mortgage value, the annual rate of the mortgage, and the number of years. It will return to you the monthly payment as well as a monthly and annual breakdown of the remaining balance, the capital payments, and the interest payments for each respective period. It then asks if you would like to save a mortgage_results.xlsx file locally. It will have the first sheet be the monthly breakdown and the second sheet be the annual breakdown.
Django + React - Note Taker
This is a simple note taker I used to learn about Django and using it as a backend for web app development. This is from following along a tutorial by TechWithTim.
Jersey Everything - Ruby on Rails API + Nextjs + Postgresql
This is a webapp that I plan to make and launch that will be all about Jersey, the island I live on and love. I have a lot to finish with this, including adjusting refresh tokens for devise_jwt as they only use access tokens by default. But the end goal is to put all the skills I want to learn to use here. Threejs to add an interesting model with which to search with. D3js to show information about the island as you check out the parishes and the places. I am using both Nextjs and Rails because I like both frameworks and want to be able use both well. The main link is the frontend and the backend is at this link: https://github.com/GeAR522/je_rails Currently on hold.
Software Engineer - Pinpoint
Nov 2021 - Jun 2024
Built and maintained the the code for Pinpoint, which is an ATS SaaS web app as a full stack developer. Used technologies like React, Typescript, and Ruby on Rails. Some of the features I worked on include the equality monitoring templates, the ability to edit multiple jobs at once, editing the offer system so that offers could be approved and re-evaluated correctly before being sent, adapting the data retention regarding application details to be seperate for hired and non-hired candidates, and many more. I also started the planning and initial set of up the 'Teams' system to combine with the existing structures in place. My time at Pinpoint helped me improve both my frontend and backend development skills, as well as how to better manage and implement code structures for large projects.
COVID Safety Officer - Jersey Government
Jul 2021 - Sep 2021
I had to organise and monitor sensitive information regarding patients contact information, their circumstances of isolation if necessary, their understanding of the policies of the Jersey Government, and informing them of any test results. This also included orgnaising and contacting businesses for their regular checks to maintain standards set out by the government. This helped me develop my communication skills and ability to work effectively with others. This is due to the need to call up members of the public and inform them of their results in a calm and timely manner. This require social skills to help those deal with the often awful results around the results, including holidays being cancelled or the need to organise help with children. The other side of this is the development of diplomacy skills, as many tourists arriving in Jersey also needed to be called and told their results as well as needing to go through the rules they need to follow during their stay, the available options regarding isolation, and support the people in whatever way possible, often helping them with receiving medication. The rules surrounding COVID changing very regularly and the need to pick up and delegate work effectively within and between teams was often necessary due to short staffing or staff being ill themselves.
Senior East Asian Exchange Trader & Totaliser - Newfield
Nov 2013 - Aug 2017
This job involved working in and leading teams to manage our positions and exposure on various exchanges and in many different regional markets. After becoming a Senior Trader, I moved to Totaliser to expand my knowledge and abilities within the e-Gambling scene and also worked as part of a new team in different regions doing parimutuel betting. The skills needed where mathimatical and an understanding of game theory. This is due to the many possible ways to alter the payout prices of positions on the exchange markets, due to the nature of them paying out based on the final price of the connected tote. The nature of the exchange is that the majority of the money is bet in the final few seconds of the race to hide where your opinion lies. The build up to that is analysing the existing backs and lays on the exchange to work out other punter's positions and opinions, whilst also comparing the expected value of positions we are in. This gets more complicated when you start adding in tote rebate percentages to factor in against the discounts possible on the tickets used for the exchange betting. There is also the possibility to offer capped bets and fake ticket stacks as tools to further find out where other punter's opinions lie. The main aim of the of the jobs was to make the best backs and lays that combined would produce the highest expected value.